Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 4 EOC: Executive Summary

            Famous Air Productions will be about making videos.  Whether it be commercials, training videos, how-to videos, Public Service Announcements, music videos, etc. In this product you will get the video aspect as well as the audio aspect of it. The musical background will be provided, along with background noise or sound effects.  This type of business has been around but I want to give the market a new spin on things and a more modern look of it. I want to express great ideas to open the eyes of consumers who have never seen or heard of certain products. I will capture my market by making a high quality work and delivering what the client wants at a reasonable price. I want to create an environment for our clients that they feel as if they matter and what they want to do will be implicated in their final product. I want them to be able to speak their minds with ideas and feedback and not feel as if what they say doesn’t matter. To me they will be seen as a real person and not dollar signs. My immediate goal is to establish Famous Air Productions will be to start out small. Working with small businesses out there that don’t have a lot of advertising. I want to make them and their business known. I want Famous Air Productions to put out the quality product that I know it can achieve so that in the long run big business will want to work with them as well by doing corporate videos and instructional videos. With the right backing Famous Air Productions can be one of the best Production Companies around.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 3 Photo Challenge: Storyboard for a commercial

   Ok so for this post I had to create a storyboard for a commercial. To me I think breast cancer is very important. So I did some research on breast cancer and found out that breast cancer is also common among men. It's not as publicly talked about as much as women but is just as important. Because women go to the gynecologist every year to get checked out it might be easier for a woman to spot the onset of something. I don't think men worry about their breasts as much. I mean we do know that they go get their prostate checked and all because that is a very common form of cancer for men but they should also be worrying about their breasts as well. Kind of sounds funny to say that men should worry about their breasts but they really need to pay attention and not just worry about one section of their body. I want to make a commercial or even a PSA about Breast Cancer awareness and how important it is for woman and Men to go get checked out. Life is to short to not care about yourself. We need to take care of ourselves while we are here and not shorten ourselves of anything.

Week 3 EOC: Where are you now and where are you going?

Where am I right now you ask. I am working full time, not in my field of study, and I am going to school. Am I working in my ideal place? No. I do love my job but it is not my career. It is my day to day job that gets me through and pays my bills. Where am I going. Wow I want to answer that in so many ways. I want to go in every direction. I want to do anything and everything I can in my field. I want to experience every aspect of my career. I want to record, audio and video, for commercials, short films, documentaries, movies or whatever I can get my hands in. I will not say no to something because I can get the experience that I need to know. I want to be able to say that I have done this or that a time or two. I just want to get my foot in the door to anything. Eventually in the long run that will all lead to me starting my own company. I want to go everywhere.

Week 2 Photo Challenge: Professional Photo of you working


So this is my photo challenge. A photo of me working. Well as you can see here I have a camera set up on a tripod along with a blimp, which has a shot gun Sennheiser 416 microphone in it as I am recording audio to a Tascam recorder. You are probably wondering what exactly I was doing. At the time I kinda was too ha! But I was at my best friend's birthday party and as a surprise to her I was going to have everyone record a birthday greeting for her. So I set up in the back room of her brother's house, where the party was at, turned off the fans that were causing extra noise and one by one I had people come in a make a recording. It probably took me a full two hours, roughly, to record everyone. It also took me about a month to put the video together for her. I went through and edited all the audio, added still pictures, music and all to it. So when she finally got to watch it she was so happy that she actually cried while watching it. So it might not of been a professional job that I got paid to do but I was still putting to use the knowledge that I have learned throughout these years.